Lean to Greenhouses save Space

Lean to Greenhouse are the perfect solution for those of us with a small space but with a nearby empty wall, garage or porch door to our house positioned ideally to make it perfect for putting a lean to greenhouse against.
Not only will a Lean to Greenhouse offer a warm and sheltered growing space for your plants and vegetables, they also give a pleasant and warm environment that may be connected to your home in which to chill out , read and tend your plants. The warmth inside a greenhouse and the smell of the plants is a very therapeutic environment in which to unwind.
Lean to greenhouses are available in many different sizes to suit our different needs . Lean to Greenhouses can come in the following widths, width is the distance out from the wall. The most common widths are 2ft, 4ft, 6ft and 8ft and in lengths up to 40ft or even more . Lean to’s can be made from a number of different materials, the most popular material being aluminium.
Nearly all big greenhouse makers produce a range of lean to greenhouses in varying sizes and styles. For example Elite Greenhouses from Bolton in the UK make three different lean to models and they are, The Easygrow which is 2ft wide, The Windsor which is 6ft wide with low eaves and The Kensington which is available in 4ft, 6ft and 8ft widths to suit. All Elite Greenhouses are manufactured in the UK and Elite also offer each greenhouse in a choice of five colours at extra cost and the greenhouse aluminium frames are powder coated at Elite’s UK powder coating factory .
Other greenhouse brands such as Vitavia Greenhouses offer 3 models to choose from in 4×2, 6×2 and a double door 8×4 lean to green house . These greenhouse models are called the Vitavia Ida and they are available in either silver or green .
Halls greenhouses offer a good range of lean to greenhouses from a small 4×2 model up to a 6×12 Silverline model in silver or forest green .

Lean to Greenhouse